Wasp Nest Removal
Wasps are easily recognisable insects thanks to their distinct bright yellow and black striped warning pattern, that has been mimicked by many other insects, to take advantage of the deterrent effect of appearing wasp like. These harmless mimics include hover-flies, beetles and day moths that feed on nectar and pollen.
The wasps most often encountered are the Common or Social Wasp and the German Wasp. As well as distinctive yellow and black stripes, wasps have two pairs of wings and tend to be less hairy than bees. Their bodies are more pointed than bees, with a noticeable waist. Only female wasps have the long distinctive stinger, which they can use repeatedly unlike bees.
If you are experiencing high numbers of wasp in your garden or home it is likely that there is a wasp nest nearby.
When queen wasps come out of hibernation, in early spring depending on weather conditions, they will search for sheltered places with easy access to the outdoors, to build their nests. This is often in domestic housing making use of attics, wall cavities, roof spaces or under the eaves of buildings. Other sites for wasp nests can include air bricks, garden sheds, bushes, lawns, bird boxes, garages, lofts and out-buildings.
Wasp nest are made from chewed wood pulp shredded and mixed with saliva and wax to make a paste material which is used to construct the nest, giving them unmistakable papery walls. A queen wasp will start to build a nest, which will start out at about the size of a golf ball in spring, but as the first batch of worker wasps hatch to take over nest building, the size of the wasp nest increases rapidly. As the wasp nest grows, adult wasps catch insect food for the wasp larvae to eat, in turn the wasp larvae turn parts of this insect food into sugar and produce a sugary liquid which they feed back to the adult wasp. It has been suggested that a single wasp nest will catch 5 metric tonnes of insects through the course of the season.
By summer, a mature wasp nest can contain between 4,000 to 6,000 individual wasps. A typical queen wasp will lay around 100 eggs a day into the wasp nest. The risk from wasps is particularly high towards the end of the summer, so it is preferable to treat a wasp nest earlier in the year before the wasps become more aggressive.

If you think you have a wasp nest on your property, please do not approach it, wasps are aggressive if provoked, and simply getting close is enough to aggravate them. Stings are unpleasant, painful and in some cases, an anaphylactic shock reaction is potentially life threatening. Even a lone wasp is capable of mobilising its entire nest to trigger an attack, so this is a job best left to the professionals.
We are a family based Nottingham company. Our wasp nest removal specialists work locally in Nottinghamshire, Leicestershire, Derbyshire and Lincolnshire ensuring your wasp nest problem is resolved within hours of your first call to us.
If a day appointment isn’t suitable for you, we offer a weekend or evening wasp nest treatment at no extra cost. We use the most advanced equipment for a professional and safe wasp nest removal. After applying a specialist pesticide, the nest and any wasps returning to it will be destroyed within a few hours. All we ask is that you keep yourselves and pets away from the treated wasp nest for 24 hrs after treatment to guarantee optimum results. Over 98% of our wasp nest treatments are destroyed on our first visit, and are so sure of our success rate, we offer a second appointment free of charge if the first is not completely successful.